Your Kids are Brighter Than the Sun

Your Kids are Brighter Than the Sun

Dear Boundless Families and Caregivers: Getting busted at yesterday’s WORDLE challenge, the morning didn’t start well. At about 10:00am during “recess”, Quiche and Samuel Jackson popped into the office holding a football. They sheepishly asked...
I Really Love My Job

I Really Love My Job

Dear Boundless Families: Jimmy, our English teacher and Principal, has had your kids doing haunted walks, invoking monsters to appear – those same malevolent entities the kids have been reading about during the day. They are becoming cross-country ski experts....
The Grinch Who Stole Pillow Fights

The Grinch Who Stole Pillow Fights

Dear Boundless Families: I am a peacenik by nature. If I were king of the forest, I would have countries solve their global conflicts with laser-guided pillows. But the last 10 days have changed my point of view. Pillows can be vicious. How else to explain that a...
It Just Seems to be Working

It Just Seems to be Working

Dear Boundless Families: The kids have settled into the new session, adapting to what has felt like Miami Beach one day, and Iqaluit the next. For the record, today we’re in the Arctic, with sunshine bouncing off snow crystals with a purity that will make you...
Happiness is a Snowflake

Happiness is a Snowflake

Dear Boundless Families: The deep freeze has broken, to be replaced by oodles of snow, thickly draped over the pines, making them appear weepy and entirely yummy. It’s a winter of wonder in this land, like a 600 acre snow cone – just add syrup. I spent an...
Complete Absurdity

Complete Absurdity

Dear Boundless Families: Getting dressed to go outside feels like being fitted into a space suit. It’s minus 34 as I write at 6:06 am this morning. It’s just absurd. Then there are these tiresome Omicron protocols. Dining 8 feet away form each other has...