John Lennon and Grandma Return to the Valley

John Lennon and Grandma Return to the Valley

Dear Boundless Families: Your lovely kids, and I do mean lovely, arrived safely yesterday. I had a brief session with them last night, and was dazzled by many first impressions. Oh, the diversity of their hair! The tattoos. The careful introductory smiles. Their body...
Wrestling and Dresses Abound

Wrestling and Dresses Abound

Dear Boundless Families: It’s day five and all English students remain alive after an epic rain. We are now unmasked.  The plot is thickening, both in terms of the material your kids are reading, and how both cohorts are gelling. We have two of them – the...
Is Laser Focus Trumping the Shenanigans?

Is Laser Focus Trumping the Shenanigans?

Dear Boundless Families: I travelled to the backwoods of the backwoods of the Dumoine River to deliver a package to your kids on Day 8 of their journey (last night). They had just arrived at their campsite after a day comprised of 10 kms of flatwater in a wicked...
Oh, the Irony of Ironies

Oh, the Irony of Ironies

Dear Boundless Families: Tyler, the mentor of the younger English students, came into my office this morning, sat down, supported his forehead with his left hand, shook his balding head back and forth, and just chuckled. He’s wondering whether his students are...
Put On Some Clothes Gosh Darnit

Put On Some Clothes Gosh Darnit

Dear Boundless Families: I am with the grade 12s right now. The class and I are just getting to know each other.  I told them that when I first encountered them, driving by while they played volleyball during “recess”, I thought to myself, “Put on...