Let’s Gossip

Let’s Gossip

Dear Friends of Boundless: The black flies, mosquitos, and now, those adorable deer flies, are preying upon a couple dozen Indigenous youth that you, the reader, have generously sponsored to participate in this bloodsucking paradise.  Nevertheless, the kids are just...
A General Moves On

A General Moves On

Dear Friends of Boundless: Adrian, who invested his identity in managing Boundless operations for 23 years, headed for greener pastures at the end of March. He left his DNA imprinted in this Boundless.  On a personal note, I lost a General and gained a friend. I wrote...
Your Kids are Brighter Than the Sun

Your Kids are Brighter Than the Sun

Dear Boundless Families and Caregivers: Getting busted at yesterday’s WORDLE challenge, the morning didn’t start well. At about 10:00am during “recess”, Quiche and Samuel Jackson popped into the office holding a football. They sheepishly asked...
I Really Love My Job

I Really Love My Job

Dear Boundless Families: Jimmy, our English teacher and Principal, has had your kids doing haunted walks, invoking monsters to appear – those same malevolent entities the kids have been reading about during the day. They are becoming cross-country ski experts....
The Grinch Who Stole Pillow Fights

The Grinch Who Stole Pillow Fights

Dear Boundless Families: I am a peacenik by nature. If I were king of the forest, I would have countries solve their global conflicts with laser-guided pillows. But the last 10 days have changed my point of view. Pillows can be vicious. How else to explain that a...