A Dramatic Hybrid Life

A Dramatic Hybrid Life

Dear Boundless Families: I came into my office this morning with a laptop in one hand and a chainsaw in the other. Greeted with snickers and eye-rolls by my colleagues, I am not sure if what they saw was irony, absurdity, or the perfect metaphor for this hybrid life...
Krispy Kremes and Teenage Dreams

Krispy Kremes and Teenage Dreams

Dear Boundless Families: I arrived back at Boundless a couple of days ago. I have belly laughed with your kids ever since. I have taught them, played chess and bantered with them. Sadly, I also smelled a few. Hey, they are busy sweating through their routines, and I...
Elephants, Be Damned

Elephants, Be Damned

Dear Boundless Families: Everyone arrived safely yesterday, except one of our favourite students of all time, who was delayed a few days because the bugger hurt his foot on day minus one. That one-week break can be as hazardness as a class three rapid. C’mon L.,...
Is This All a Dream?

Is This All a Dream?

Dear Boundless Families: I’ve been stuffing my face with organic vegetables the last few weeks. So have your kids. The stuff flies off the shelves. Craig, the Head Cook, is shocked. “I have never seen kids eat vegetables like this before.” Perhaps...
Just Another Day of Me Vs. We

Just Another Day of Me Vs. We

Dear Boundless Families: I was in the city for ten days doing boring grown-up stuff, but arrived back at Boundless last night to have a “Stevening” with your kids. This gave me an ideal perspective of the day one versus day eleven changes in your adorable...