Update # 1 Session # 2

by | Jul 14, 2014 | Blog

Dear Boundless Families:


Both groups arrived safe and sound, and to a blue summer-of-your-youth kind of sky that made sad I grew up.


It was great to be at the Toronto pick-up this morning – to witness the unique moments that reveal so much in an instant.


The first moment that struck me was when Tony – the older group’s trip leader and our Director of Education –  arrived this morning looking like a bow-legged Huck Finn character. Parents, this eclectic and gifted man already seems to have the cohort in the palms of his hands, such is the power of his charisma and his skills of persuasion. 


He and his crew have dubbed themselves “The Secret Society”. But the symbolism, language and zeitgeist has yet to be defined. This whole 13-day shebang will be spent filling in these crucial blanks.


As to the Younger Group, they are led by Trevor, who also moonlights as our assistant Risk Manager. In the 31 years we have been running trips for teens, Trevor is in the top ten talented leaders. His warmth is infectious and he is a 21st century pied piper. No fledgling human being – teenager – can resist his magnetism.


This is day one however, so there is much work to be done and lots of comfort  to inspire. The artistry of kids buying in needs more than sheer charm. Its the countless little victories that carry the day.


This has already begun in earnest I assure you – perhaps this will give comfort to the anxious parents. I don’t just say this to all the girls.


As I write more of these updates, now numbering in the hundreds, I find myself caring less and less about reporting what the kids do while they’re here. It matters more how they do what they do and how they are growing as human beings. The kids will fill you in themselves soon enough about their twelve 16-hour days to come.


What I observed this morning was anxiety in about a quarter of the kids. Winston Churchill called it his “black dog”. We often refer to anxiety as the “beast”. 


I believe that the success of both groups will largely depend on how team members support each other. Will those who attain their comfort zone rather quickly help out those who feel shaky inside. This magical intangible has already begun, beautifully demonstrated right at the pick up when two students came to cheer up another who looked lost and alone. 


That student, as well as the rest, are already cracking smiles. I am getting too darn sentimental in my old age –  but I get quite moved when I see this happening. It bodes well for both groups.


The journey is young. Wish us well. Go do something naughty in your teen’s absence.


Thanks for sending us your kids.



[email protected] 

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Steven Gottlieb
Steven Gottlieb