Boundless School Blog


A W.E.I.R.D Parenting Conundrum

In describing the socio-economic status of countries, the anthropologist Jared Diamond uses W.E.I.R.D. to define Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic nations. Here’s a WEIRD parenting catch-22: the character traits that engender success in today’s...

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Hunting For Gems

I am a hunter by nature. This time of year I seek to hire a team of brilliant staff with rare potential to be fantastic educators and role models. It is a labour fit for Hercules - an arduous job because I am so gosh darn picky. Staff currently employed at...

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Mushy Gushy Stuff

Last week’s final performance of the Live-In School was another eye popper. One student composed:   “I wish I was a slave, to 40 more days. Learning in the fields, and seeing the mountain haze. Staff have mercy on my wild and crazy ways Please, just another 40...

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Premier billet de Steven

Quel spectacle inusité que d’apercevoir cet homme alpha le regard mouillé et les yeux remplis de larmes. Notre école d’apprentissage en milieu de vie venait à peine de se terminer la semaine dernière lorsque la performance émouvante d’un de nos étudiants à la...

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Steven’s First Post

No one was ever going to catch this Alpha-Male teary-eyed. Our Live-In School just ended last week, and a performance by one of our students at the final banquet left me, and most others, blubbering and snot-nosed. It was M.'s final testament to his 80 days in this...

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