Boundless School Blog
Update # 2; Session 4, Counting Chickens
Dear Boundless Families: Sure enough, I hear a pitter patter outside my office window. A chilly rain has begun, slated to continue on and off for 3 more days. This should prove interesting. We wonder if the gods may be striking us down for our hubris. Looking...
Update #1; Session #4; Elevation
Dear Boundless Families: Everyone arrived safely today. It's chilly up here, but this is balanced with warm water and an almost total absence of bugs - a first for this summer. I enjoyed being at the Toronto pick up this morning. I sensed right then and there that...
Final Update Session #3 – Wo, It Was Hard Work
Dear Boundless Families: All the kids have returned safely to port, heroes in their own minds (the only minds that really matter). By this standard, things are pretty awesome, and the property is abuzz with beehive-like energy and giddiness. I joined two...
Update #3, Session 3 – The Livin is Easy (ish)
Dear Boundless Families: What can be better for a outdoor school than a sunny August 5th in the Madawaska Valley, where the fish are jumping and the cotton's high? An empty outdoor school, that's what. The livin is easy (ish). All four cohorts are gonzo getting...
Update # 2, Session 3; Paradise Found
Dear Boundless Families: Summer decided to pay us a visit today for a change. When we looked at the 5-day weather forecast before the journey began, it was pretty grim. And yet, every day has had its ample sunshine and the rains simply haven't come. It's turned out...
Update # 1 Session 3; Begone Heebee Jeebees
Dear Boundless Families: Everyone arrived safely. About three quarters of the heebee geebees are already gone. A nice feeling permeates the property right now. One quarter are still finding their resolve - and they will. But not quite out of the woods just yet, if...
Final Update session #2 – Chocolate is beside the point
Dear Boundless Families: The Young-ins returned safely very late Saturday night bearing tales of fortune and valour and insanity. More on this in a moment. The Elders finished the river last night and camped over at Driftwood Provincial Park. I was with them the...
Update #3, session 2
Dear Boundless Families:When an astronaut first returns to our atmosphere, the heat from the friction of re-entry is so intense that there is a 7 minute window when all communication with earth is impossible. Anxious support crews and families have to endure acute...
Update # 2, Session # 2
Dear Boundless Families: The weather gods had a major teenage hissy fit this morning and dumped a deluge on your kids. Like all teenage hissies, it passed. Its aftermath left a group of kids who are getting more intrepid by the second. But their emerging confidence...
Update # 1 Session # 2
Dear Boundless Families: Both groups arrived safe and sound, and to a blue summer-of-your-youth kind of sky that made sad I grew up. It was great to be at the Toronto pick-up this morning - to witness the unique moments that reveal so much in an...