Boundless School Blog
Final Update, Session # 2 – Returning Heroes
Dear Boundless Families:Truly, we have a little Homer in all of us. Every adventure, love and betrayal story or film you have ever adored can be traced back to the ancient Greek writer who was the first to put passion to paper.Who wouldn't want to return home from...
Update # 3, Session One – Sittin on the Dock of The Madawaska Bay
Dear Boundless Families:I had time to spend time on my dock Sunday afternoon with my wife and very own acne prone pubescents.I have your kids to thank.Both groups have hit the sweet spot of group process. Everything feels centred. The right mix of challenge and...
Update # 2, Session # 1 – TO OUR WEIRD PARENTS
To Our Weird Parents:It's a stat holiday today, and its raining out my window, so please forgive the fact that I am biding my time with the following musings.I will use W.E.I.R.D. as an acronym for Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich, Democratic."Rich", being in...
Session # 1 Update – The Bus Seemed Warmer
Dear Boundless Families:Everyone arrived safely today. FYI, the weather today was a rare late June Nor-easter - almost unheard of. But the weather hastened the departure, and this was a blessing. As one teacher put it, labouring to put a positive spin on dismal...
I made a casual email typo this morning, slipping an F in front of the word unfettered. And I thought, hmmm, this could be milked to describe Boundless. It could mean fun-fettered, as in, we are drenched in mirth. Too cheeky I suppose. We are not a merry-go-round....
Ya Ya. Perseverance. I Know, Dad!
My rehab from a painful Christmas knee replacement has left me reflecting about perseverance. Echoes of my dad’s nagging nuggets of wisdom dance in my head. When he would labour on about “persistence and determination”, I tuned him right out. I knew everything as a...
Boarding School Update – Scaling Mount Everest
Dear Boundless Families:I have had the joy of living in BLIS the past week, and have a flood of observations to share: One student is struggling socially. It was suggested to the group that this young man needs some “older siblings” to keep an eye out on him...
Boarding School Session 1 Update – Its Make-Up Time
I stole away from the city yesterday, arriving at Boundless to find a bunch of teenagers donning make-up and dressing in drag to celebrate the end of their weekly stint at math and English. After 10 days, these kids have settled and are letting their freak flags...
Final Update Session #4 – Not Really About the River
Dear Boundless Families:To contradict my last update where I claimed the river has a profound impact on students, may I suggest that Boundless is not about the river at all.I had a phone chat today with a student’s dad. Mystified as to why his daughter has the...
Update #3; Session 4; Immortal Teenagers
No one is on property right now, except for me and the idle emergency crew. The phone does not ring. So I have nothing for you, save for some self indulgent Sunday evening ramblings. All 48 kids are being transformed into river snobs, who will forever look down...