Dear Boundless Families:
The gang arrived safely yesterday to overcast skies. Within two hours the clouds cleared, as did much of the anxiety your kids must have felt coming to a new scene, a new group, and a new life filled with responsibility, accountability and hope.
I hung out with them last night for a while. We talked about the value of a community having a code of conduct. At Boundless, we simply call it the “code”.
There are almost an infinite number of codes in the world of human beings. Two of my favourites are the Catholic “Seven Deadly Sins”, which represent the “don’t do this”, and the Anishinaabe “Seven Grandfathers”, which offer the “definitely do this”.
At Boundless, our code is simple, yet so challenging to accomplish.
1) Learn
2) Look after each other
3) Pull your weight
The atmosphere was bordering on the silly. T blurted out that I reminded him of Kanye West. I confess to never having been compared to the rapper before. T justified the comment by saying, “Well, you just speak what’s on your mind.” And then he tried to dial it back a bit, concerned I would take offense. “But maybe not as crazy”.
The group was in stitches over this.
The new kids are all in the game. Every last glorious adolescent molecule of them.
L watched everything happen, somewhat bemused at the hilarity. TJ declared she is here for the credits, but I suspect she wants much more. K looked like he already owned the place. You could see the relief on J face as he is quickly realizing this place is empty of assholes.
I must shout out Lisa Kelner. You’ve all met her. She screened, scrutinized and selected the very best kids for this place. She called me yesterday morning from the Toronto pick up and said something so promising.
“Steven”, she said, “the kids were so beautiful and supportive of each other.” Indeed, the returning kids opened their hearts to the new ones.
This bodes well for a lovely session. No promises, but there is a feeling of great hope for this lovely group of fledgling human beings.
I was so uplifted by the groups’ energy last night, it made me feel like all the preparation and madness has a point, which means my existence has a point.
Thank you all for sending such lovely people to us.
I know you are all eager to learn so much more. To this end, no news is good news. Your children are about to learn to thrive without you. We promise to call if anything concerning arises.
In the meantime, try and enjoy your separation. We got this.