Be Careful What You Wish For

by | Dec 2, 2021 | Blog

Dear Boundless Families:

I knew something weird was up when David, our Environmental Science teacher, suggested I pop into his class yesterday. The kids wanted to “talk” to me. No one really wants to talk to me unless the foundations of the earth are about to cave in.

I prepared myself for a bitch session.

I was planning a visit anyway. I was to report back on how Boundless will act upon the results of the soil samples the students carefully collected. We are starting an organic community garden this Spring, and we needed to answer the question of “Where?”

They were quite smirky and silent at first, allowing me to walk through my paces.

“Well, ” I said, “it’s a choice between shitty soil, shittier and shittiest”. Unfortunately, our fields are located in a Madawaska delta, and are pure sand. You can only grow potatoes and squash. Boring.

I reassured them,

“We’ll bring in a mountain of compost and get that soil nicely conditioned to grow tomatoes, cukes and lettuces – the fun stuff.”

I thought this would appease them. But then they let loose the first missile.

“That’s all fine and good, Steven, but what about the wastage of power just about everywhere on the property”. They cited the Wolf Centre, the boardwalk at the Ranch, and the exterior lights on all the buildings.

They next brought out the big guns. Data. Lots of data.

“Do you know that if you buy these motion sensitive LED thingamajiggies, Boundless will save tons of cash. And we’ll be able to sleep better at night without flood lights outside our bedrooms”.

“Okay,” I whimpered, “But what about supervision?”

And in this moment I found myself talking to them like I’m in a staff meeting. They are invested.

And they have an answer for every objection raised. In barely ten minutes, I have committed to spending real cash on this venture. And they let me know in no uncertain terms that they are expecting change.

The clock is ticking.

Which is to say that your kids are now owning this school. I have always tried to inspire Boundless staff to inspire the kids to take ownership of this community.

Be careful about what you wish for.

There were moments of hilarity in this encounter. Dave and his crew of bandits knew they had me in an inescapable head lock.

I emerged from the encounter so utterly gratified about what this delightful group of fledgling human beings have become. So invested. so connected. Doors of communication wide open. They care. About each other. And about this place.

Angela asked me what my favourite colours are so she can make me and my wife bracelets.

Such a lovely group that I shall never forget. A whole slew of them are graduating in just 8 days. I hate that. I love that.

And so it goes when those you adore move on.

I wish you all a most happy reunion next week.

Warmest regards and best wishes for the holidays.


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Steven Gottlieb
Steven Gottlieb