by Steven Gottlieb | Aug 4, 2017 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: Your kids have already lived a lifetime in the last few days of stormy weather. I’ll get right to it cohort by cohort: English I popped by this morning to a scene of 20 kids tap-tap-tapping at their laptops, writing a personal...
by Steven Gottlieb | Aug 2, 2017 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: One parent emailed me after she dropped her lad off and said “the kids this morning looked like they were being sent off to prison”. This was my first of many delights today. Before that, though, please know all arrived safely and...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 24, 2017 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: The outdoor crew returned safely to port this afternoon. I got to hang with them on Friday night, and also led them through the whitewater madness on Saturday, which proved to be not so maddening after all. The river dropped two feet from the...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 21, 2017 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: I have never been so gratified to have road dust back. Summer unexpectedly paid a visit three days ago and we’ve been dry as a bone. The kids are slowly turning brown, the air is exquisite and its odour makes you yearn to be young again....
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 17, 2017 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: I have always understood the biblical reference to rainbows as a metaphor for troubles being over and better things to come. Now I’m praying for its literal definition. We have an exquisite one right now, but the forecast calls for two...