by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 16, 2019 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: Everyone arrived safely. I heard the traffic Gods were unkind, so special thanks for the diligence. The kids arrived to a kind of summer afternoon that reminds you of when you were a kid, biking to the store on crunchy gravel, buying popsicles...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 9, 2019 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: As I neared the Dumoine region territory on Saturday to meet up with the OE gang, the north wind started blowing. This cleared the humidity, and humility, of this motley crew. In what is normally a brutal 15km stretch of flatwater, the...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 6, 2019 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: Like a house guest you yearn hang out with the first few days, and soon transforms into the-thing-that wouldn’t-leave, summer arrived at Boundless. It’s hot. The road dust swirls at the slightest provocation. The gravel...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jul 4, 2019 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: I am fascinated by group dynamics, and about how your kids are responding to valley-based education. Everything here is like an educational experiment. First timers are floored by the way we weave nature into classical learning, and about how...
by Steven Gottlieb | Jun 28, 2019 | Blog
Dear Boundless Families: Everyone arrived safely. Thanks for a speedy getaway this morning. Summer actually arrived in the Madawaska Valley today. It has rained so much this spring that I personally was a pencil-length away from enjoying my very own indoor swimming...